Demon's Souls

Make Destructible Tool

Since I was the sole person responsible for all real-time destructibles in our project, I spent some time fleshing out a robust tool that was used to make all wood and stone destructibles across our project. The Make Destructible tool I made was simple to use, only requiring the user to input a mesh and select surface type (wood, glass, stone). The parameters I exposed helped me keep the look of all destructibles consistant, as well as adjust for performance requirements per-asset.
Clip By Surface Tool

This was one of several small collision-focused tool I put together after being frustrated with how slow our collision workflow was. It's function is fairly straightforward. It requires an input mesh to cut, and a cutting plane to cut with. I wrote the tool to accept a wide range of cutting planes (including terrain and non-manifold geo) so that artists could simply select the playable landscape for each section, and cull any of the otherwise unused collision geo underneath.
Collision Import Tool

Bluepoint's in-house engine is powerful, but currently has no way of communicating back and forth with any of the software suites that 3D artists use daily (Maya, Zbrush, etc). To aleviate this, I wrote a tool that communicates currently selected assets in-engine, looks up their location in the file depot, checks to see if a collision asset already exists for said assets, and imports the correct collision asset per-asset using the world position values indicated by the editor.

Collision Generation Tool

Here's another collision tool I made for quickly generating low-poly collision geo for larger assets. It has several different generation modes ranging from generating simple bounding boxes for each connected piece of geo to remeshing voxel clouds that get generated inside the input mesh.
Animated Destruction
During my time at Bluepoint, I was also responsible for several animated destruction scenes. Below you can see one of the scenes set up completely in Houdini. 
Real-Time Destruction

I was the single artist responsible for all real-time destruction in the project. Because of the scope of the task, I ended up creating the entire destructible asset generation pipeline myself (tools, workflow, etc) as well as creating, maintaining, and optimizing all destructible and real-time destruction assets across the project. Below are some examples of the variety of destruction assets I made from full scale boss arenas smaller nested destructible assets.
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